Tuesday, September 26, 2006

I could never be a republican...

After an interesting week of discussion with a few people, the NIE stating the Iraq War has made us less safe and Falwell's disgusting comments regarding Hillary Clinton , I've come to the conclusion I could never be a republican.

That political party is rife with hypocrisy and looking down their noses at anyone who isn't like them. They speak the same talking points over and over again as if reading from the same exact playbook. They continue to support a president who has continually lied since before he was installed in office, a president who stands back while his lapdogs equate democrats with terrorists, a president who proclaims to be a christian while pushing for the legalization of torture, a president who places the needs of the mega-rich over those who have considerably less and a president who criminally ignored every single expert and warning on the potential of terrorists striking this country.

I could never be a republican because flag burning, the language the national anthem is sang in, and prayer in schools rates pretty low on my importance radar. I could never be a republican because I value the rights over my body, I don't want the government in my bedroom and believe everyone should be treated equally no matter their sex, race, religion or sexual orientation.

I could never be a republican because torture, starting wars based on lies, making our military occupiers, cutting VA benefits, cutting social programs such as school lunches, taking away basic civil rights and trashing the service of veterans for disagreeing with me is just plain wrong.

Another reason why I could never be a republican...I couldn't look at myself in the mirror with a clear conscience.


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