Thursday, June 29, 2006

It's the corporate media, stupid

The media has been accused of either being overly liberal or conservative. I don't believe either is true for the most part. What it is, though, is corporate. This type of corporate media has damaged the American people in how it disseminates information. Much of it is of little real value in informing the public. Everything from wild car chases to robberies caught by security cameras has given the public what you would normally see in an action movie. Majority of the time we have a press who doesn't ask the tough questions or push for full disclosure of information the public has a right to know. I'm of the opinion the public has a right to know almost everything.

Those whose job it is to inform the public have fallen into the trap of corporatism and lose their journalistic integrity. It's about book deals, six and seven figure salaries and relishing their celebrity status. The journalists they once were are now gone.

Even more disturbing are those individuals who spew lies, half-truths and vile get a platform by supposedly respected news organisations.

Bill O'Reilly is at the top of the list. One fine example is this quote: "If we wage the war the way Saddam handled Iraq, then we would have already won". Mr. O'Reilly has claimed he doesn't make personal attacks on opponents. The above links prove that is far from the case.

Another one who has frequently been given a platform is Ann Coulter. Considered one of the most vile on the left, she has regurgitated the most horrific comments on just about anyone who doesn't agree with her or the standard Republican lines. She's been given a voice on the Today show, MSNBC and spends majority of her time spewing her hateful rhetoric at Fox News.

Speaking of Fox News, it's probably one of the worst offenders when it comes to informing the public. This network is notorious for repeating Republican talking points as fact, lying and using scare tactics. With ratings slipping, one has to wonder if the viewers are finally on to Fox News for their horrid reporting and outright lying.

However, the other news networks cannot be ignored. Congressman John Murtha was misquoted by the Sun-Sentinel which was later corrected. As a result Rep. Murtha was viciously attacked prior to the correction and while some have retracted their earlier comments, most have not.

On the surface it does appear corporate media does lean to the right, but no one should ignore the times when the press does their job. They have done their job in reporting news such as the bank-tracking program, Abu Graib and others. While at times they can be a little slow in actually reporting and not as sensitive to the point of not doing their jobs as they were after 9/11, some are actually doing the job of informing the public.

I'll never be one to label the media as either liberal or conservative. It's too wide of a stroke and patently false. What they are is corporate and that's why we have the media we have today.

For more corporate media misinformation and truth Media Matters is a great place to start.


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