Wednesday, June 28, 2006

In Oct. 2001 President Bush discussed the bold moves the US government was taking to cripple Al Qaeda's financial assets They would aggressively go after the money which funds this terrorist organization. This was well publicized and received wide support from Americans.

It put Al Qaeda on notice. Their financial transactions would be closely tracked and monitored. A terrorist would have to be living under a rock to not know any of this information. Last I heard, they were in the know with every declaration of how successful the US government has been with every news conference which bragged on such successes.

Now we have the New York Times which disclosed the government's program of tracking this cash. If a person takes the time to read, the NY Times mentions the successes. Along with this article is an in depth explanation by the executive editor, Bill Keller.

There isn't much in this article other than what most already knew. The government has made no secret in the ways of how they go after Al Qaeda. This makes the indignation by the Republicans that much more dismaying to see. Some have even gone as far as wanting the NY Times prosecuted for espionage and/or treason.

The hypocrisy doesn't end there. All the while Bush expresses his displeasure about not just this, but also the exposure of secret prisons, and the wide spread wire-tapping without a warrent, Karl Rove remains working in the White House. The man who exposed the identity of an undercover CIA operative working on the proliferation of WMD during wartime. Where is the same outrage the Republicans are expressing towards the NY Times?

Basically, it's all a matter of opportunity for the Republicans. This pretended outrage of theirs is all about politics. They can prop themselves up as the great protectors of America during an election year. It's a repeat of 2004 where the Republicans declared they can protect the U.S. while liberals like the NY Times are only bush bashers who care little for the safety and security of this country.

Their argument is so patently false just on the face of it alone. The Republican's history of politicizing 9/11 is well documented. It began in earnest in 2004. Now here we are in 2006 and the Republicans believe they have found a pearl to keep them in power.


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