Wednesday, June 28, 2006

It's only a rant

Look at how many people actually take the time to vote. It's a pretty pathetic number. It's not because a president isn't religious enough although they like to think whoever they vote for believes the same as them. In fact, religion shouldn't play a role at all. The government is there to serve the people...not to pander to them in name of a god.

What it comes down to is the average person wants to feel like the government really cares about them and their problems. They want to be able to connect with that person and know they are looking at real leadership.

There is so much discourse on both sides that most people are feeling rather malaise about the government and politics. In their eyes, no matter who they vote for, it's not going to matter. Their lives aren't going to be made any easier, they have to continue to scrape by from one paycheck to the next, they have to pay their taxes, they have to navigate through government red tape in order to get social security, welfare or whatever.

People see this hulking monster sucking up their hard-earned money which reaps little rewards in the big picture. The only way a real difference can get made is a complete overhaul on the people who are currently serving.

While there are some worthwhile individuals who do work for the people of this country, the majority are in it for the donations, publicity and doing favors for those that have got the money. When I look at the big picture, I sit back and I wonder...why the hell should I make the effort?

Big business is going to be the ones that get heard in D.C. It's not going to be us little folk. The government is more like a greedy monkey on our backs. It is so far removed from what our founding fathers had in mind. Sometimes I think if they were here, they'd be in the street yelling that it's time for another revolution.

My point is with a government like we've got, that we've had for many years now, why vote if it's not going to change? Why vote if big business continues to be in bed with majority of the politicians? Why vote if all we see is business as usual no matter who is in power?

It would be nice if the dems got really radical and said it was time to put the people back in charge of this country and kick big business out of the halls of congress. I'm not holding my breath.


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