Friday, June 30, 2006

An Open Letter To God

So, God, I was driving by one of your houses today and saw an amazing sight. The house was decorated with red, white and blue plastic flags that went from there to a sign advertising that this was one of your places. On the sign, I was surprised to see the following statement.
Jesus is the Christians' Statue of Liberty
Now, I like to think I'm a loyal American as much as the next person. While I do bitch...can I say that word? Well, you know what I mean. I do bitch about the state of our nation on a regular basis. I'm sure you've heard me going on about war, women's rights, poverty and so on. I think I'm like you in the respect that I want to see the ills of the world go away.

My question is this: Is it okay to decorate one of your houses with American flags or other patriotic symbols? Is it okay to equate Jesus with the Statue of Liberty?

God, I've got to ask. Do you celebrate July 4th? Is our nation's birthday such a big deal to you that people who work in your name has to use your houses for it? I remember the time in the Bible when Jesus got pissed about all the buying and selling that was going on in the temple. Now, I know this isn't exactly the same, but on the surface it looks like rather than praising, praying and preaching your word, they'll throw in some 'God Bless the USA' by Lee Greenwood for starters.

Now, that I've got your attention with this, there are few other issues I'd like to take up. Can you please tell the following people to shut the hell up?

Rather than name all of the personalities, I'll just say everyone at Fox News. If I were to list them name by name, it could run out the bandwidth on my blog and you'd never get to them all. Fox News Channel should cover them all.

Newt Gingrich. Now this guy has had his 15 minutes of fame. It's time for him to retire to Florida, get a tan and a haircut. All he does is lie and bash people who don't talk like him. He's been doing this since '92, I think. He's recycled his talking points so much over the years that they might actually be biodegradeable by now, but my guess is that it will still take another 100 years for it to completely degrade without harming the environment.

Ann Coulter. Need I say more? Moving on...

Tucker Carlson. Boy, oh, boy. Where to start with him. I've got to know, God. Does he make as little sense when he prays to you as he does when he opens his mouth on TV? You can tell me. I won't tell a soul.

Michell Malkin. She's neurotic, God. I really think she needs medication. Not even your divine intervention could cure whatever it is that ails her.

James Dobson, Jerry Falwell, and Pat Robertson. I put all three of these guys together because they all do the same thing. They use your name to bash other religions, denigrate anyone who doesn't talk like them or even believe as they do. They say you're going to rain fire and brimstone on the U.S. for not doing exactly what you want. If that's the case, God, you've had over 200 years to toss some hell down from the heavens. It seems to me that if you didn't do it during the 60's, 70's and 80's, then we'd have to really slip into some serious moral depravity in order for their predictions to come true.

Rush Limbaugh. Drug addiction, Viagra, trysts to Caribbean to get laid. You'd think the guy would shut up anyway.

Bill Bennett. Racist jerk who doesn't know when to STOP talking.

Michael Savage. This is a guy who is in serious need of one of your spiritual awakenings...kind of like what happened to that Paul fellow on the way to Damascus. Not the kind that makes Savage to want to go out and start churches everywhere, but the kind that says to give all his money to charity, move to Africa and feed the hungry. At least it'll get him off the air.

This isn't all of the ones I'd like to see shut up, God, but it certainly is a good start. Some of the others that should sometimes shut up, I can handle, and if those I did list did shut up, it might wake up the others enough to think before they open their mouths.

Well, God, I think this covers it...for now. I'll take up other issues and/or questions at a later time. Might want to brush up on some Biblical history just in case.


One of the most profound moments in our nation's history happened the year I was born. The Voting Rights Act was made law in 1965. Congress determined that the current laws at the time weren't enough to protect the voting rights of citizens in many areas of the country. On August 6, 1965, President Johnson signed it into law.

Martin Luther King said President Johnson's support of the law helped transform the bloody civil rights movement into a "shining moment in the conscience of man". Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush all have extended the Voting Rights Act when it came up for renewel during their terms. George W. Bush does support renewing the Voting Rights Act.
I want this Voting Rights Act extended, and so we’re working with members of the United States Congress to see if we can’t get it done
With the Voting Rights Act coming up for renewel, corporate media has spent little time covering the Republican's delay in getting this to the floor.

The support for extending the Act for another 25 years has wide support from the President, top leaders from both parties and a GOP controlled committe that passed it by a 33 to 1 margin.

Texas Republican put the brakes on getting this to the floor claiming parts of it were antiquated due to the length of time that's passed since its inception.

Rep. John Carter, R-Round Rock said, "I don't think we have racial bias in Texas anymore." That's quite a claim for one of the largest states in the U.S. Carter went on to say "I simply believe you should be able to read, write and speak English to be a voter in the United States," Carter said.

On the surface, many might agree. Check out these stats , Congressman.
In the United States, one in seven people (more than 40 million people) can barely read a job offer or utility bill, which arguably makes them functionally illiterate in a developed country such as the US. In 2003, the National Assessment of Adult Literacy (NAAL), conducted by the US Department of Education, found that fourteen percent of American adults scored at this “below basic” level in prose literacy. More than half of these persons did not have a high-school diploma or GED. Thirty-nine percent of persons at this level were Hispanic; 20 percent were black; and 37 percent were White.
The delay is shameful and for each day that passes without the Voting Rights Act getting renewed, those lawmakers who participate in blocking this effort should be closely scrutinized for not just their polital pandering to a right-wing extremist base, but also for their racism and outright ignorance on the continuing need to protect the voting rights of all Americans.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

It's the corporate media, stupid

The media has been accused of either being overly liberal or conservative. I don't believe either is true for the most part. What it is, though, is corporate. This type of corporate media has damaged the American people in how it disseminates information. Much of it is of little real value in informing the public. Everything from wild car chases to robberies caught by security cameras has given the public what you would normally see in an action movie. Majority of the time we have a press who doesn't ask the tough questions or push for full disclosure of information the public has a right to know. I'm of the opinion the public has a right to know almost everything.

Those whose job it is to inform the public have fallen into the trap of corporatism and lose their journalistic integrity. It's about book deals, six and seven figure salaries and relishing their celebrity status. The journalists they once were are now gone.

Even more disturbing are those individuals who spew lies, half-truths and vile get a platform by supposedly respected news organisations.

Bill O'Reilly is at the top of the list. One fine example is this quote: "If we wage the war the way Saddam handled Iraq, then we would have already won". Mr. O'Reilly has claimed he doesn't make personal attacks on opponents. The above links prove that is far from the case.

Another one who has frequently been given a platform is Ann Coulter. Considered one of the most vile on the left, she has regurgitated the most horrific comments on just about anyone who doesn't agree with her or the standard Republican lines. She's been given a voice on the Today show, MSNBC and spends majority of her time spewing her hateful rhetoric at Fox News.

Speaking of Fox News, it's probably one of the worst offenders when it comes to informing the public. This network is notorious for repeating Republican talking points as fact, lying and using scare tactics. With ratings slipping, one has to wonder if the viewers are finally on to Fox News for their horrid reporting and outright lying.

However, the other news networks cannot be ignored. Congressman John Murtha was misquoted by the Sun-Sentinel which was later corrected. As a result Rep. Murtha was viciously attacked prior to the correction and while some have retracted their earlier comments, most have not.

On the surface it does appear corporate media does lean to the right, but no one should ignore the times when the press does their job. They have done their job in reporting news such as the bank-tracking program, Abu Graib and others. While at times they can be a little slow in actually reporting and not as sensitive to the point of not doing their jobs as they were after 9/11, some are actually doing the job of informing the public.

I'll never be one to label the media as either liberal or conservative. It's too wide of a stroke and patently false. What they are is corporate and that's why we have the media we have today.

For more corporate media misinformation and truth Media Matters is a great place to start.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

In Oct. 2001 President Bush discussed the bold moves the US government was taking to cripple Al Qaeda's financial assets They would aggressively go after the money which funds this terrorist organization. This was well publicized and received wide support from Americans.

It put Al Qaeda on notice. Their financial transactions would be closely tracked and monitored. A terrorist would have to be living under a rock to not know any of this information. Last I heard, they were in the know with every declaration of how successful the US government has been with every news conference which bragged on such successes.

Now we have the New York Times which disclosed the government's program of tracking this cash. If a person takes the time to read, the NY Times mentions the successes. Along with this article is an in depth explanation by the executive editor, Bill Keller.

There isn't much in this article other than what most already knew. The government has made no secret in the ways of how they go after Al Qaeda. This makes the indignation by the Republicans that much more dismaying to see. Some have even gone as far as wanting the NY Times prosecuted for espionage and/or treason.

The hypocrisy doesn't end there. All the while Bush expresses his displeasure about not just this, but also the exposure of secret prisons, and the wide spread wire-tapping without a warrent, Karl Rove remains working in the White House. The man who exposed the identity of an undercover CIA operative working on the proliferation of WMD during wartime. Where is the same outrage the Republicans are expressing towards the NY Times?

Basically, it's all a matter of opportunity for the Republicans. This pretended outrage of theirs is all about politics. They can prop themselves up as the great protectors of America during an election year. It's a repeat of 2004 where the Republicans declared they can protect the U.S. while liberals like the NY Times are only bush bashers who care little for the safety and security of this country.

Their argument is so patently false just on the face of it alone. The Republican's history of politicizing 9/11 is well documented. It began in earnest in 2004. Now here we are in 2006 and the Republicans believe they have found a pearl to keep them in power.

Okay, so I changed my mind

I've got to blog about this. Can't get around it. This won't let go of me until I write it down. I never ever want to forget this for the rest of my life.

A little while ago, I went to pick up my daughter for an appointment. On the way back, I saw the mailman delivering the mail. What's so unusual about this, you ask.

Well, he was wearing shorts. Okay, not so unusual. He was also wearing a t-shirt. Not that unusual either, I guess. What made this such a unique sight was that he was drop dead gorgeous sexy. The sleeves were rolled up enough to show off his nicely shaped biceps.

With tanned legs, equally tanned arms, short hair, and very stylish sunglasses, this man looked like he just dropped off the pages of GQ. If I had a camera and wouldn't have made a complete fool of myself, I would have taken a picture for all to see with him holding the mail oh so suggestively.

I can't help thoughts did turn to less than pristine and seeing this mailman made me wish I had such a diligent postal carrier. I can see it now. I would be out on the front porch, watching and waiting, for my mail carrier to make an appearance. Of course, it's only really enjoyable during the hottest time of the year.

If I had such scenery, other than the view of Bay Mountain from my porch, I'd be outside more often.

It's only a rant

Look at how many people actually take the time to vote. It's a pretty pathetic number. It's not because a president isn't religious enough although they like to think whoever they vote for believes the same as them. In fact, religion shouldn't play a role at all. The government is there to serve the people...not to pander to them in name of a god.

What it comes down to is the average person wants to feel like the government really cares about them and their problems. They want to be able to connect with that person and know they are looking at real leadership.

There is so much discourse on both sides that most people are feeling rather malaise about the government and politics. In their eyes, no matter who they vote for, it's not going to matter. Their lives aren't going to be made any easier, they have to continue to scrape by from one paycheck to the next, they have to pay their taxes, they have to navigate through government red tape in order to get social security, welfare or whatever.

People see this hulking monster sucking up their hard-earned money which reaps little rewards in the big picture. The only way a real difference can get made is a complete overhaul on the people who are currently serving.

While there are some worthwhile individuals who do work for the people of this country, the majority are in it for the donations, publicity and doing favors for those that have got the money. When I look at the big picture, I sit back and I wonder...why the hell should I make the effort?

Big business is going to be the ones that get heard in D.C. It's not going to be us little folk. The government is more like a greedy monkey on our backs. It is so far removed from what our founding fathers had in mind. Sometimes I think if they were here, they'd be in the street yelling that it's time for another revolution.

My point is with a government like we've got, that we've had for many years now, why vote if it's not going to change? Why vote if big business continues to be in bed with majority of the politicians? Why vote if all we see is business as usual no matter who is in power?

It would be nice if the dems got really radical and said it was time to put the people back in charge of this country and kick big business out of the halls of congress. I'm not holding my breath.

And now for some reviews

Since I made it known I am a huge fan of superhero type cartoons I thought I'd offer my own review of two recent purchases.

Superman: Brainiac Attacks

It sounded interesting enough. Even though it completely stepped out of the Superman universe I had come to know and to enjoy on television. What made this one particularly difficult to take serious was the character of Lex Luthor. He sounded more like the Joker with each passsing moment. This one significant departure really undermined the entire movie. Even with Brainiac not acting as the computer we knew him to be, Lex Luthor just went too much in the opposite of how I knew him to be. The plot was simple and predictable. There was little in the way of character growth for anyone. This movie gets a big thumbs down. Don't waste your money. If you're intent on watching it, wait for the rerun on the Cartoon Network.

Ultimate Avengers

I got this movie mostly for my son. I never paid much attention to most of these superheroes mostly because they didn't interest me. Right off the bat we get an exciting show of how Captain America came to be. It was realistic and kept me glued to the television. I enjoyed the characters and how they grew for the most part. Since I don't follow the comic world too closely, I was a bit thrown by Bruce Banner. He was totally different than what I expected and where he wound up left me wanting more. Captain America is by far the most interesting character in this story. He's complex and conflicted. The others are to some degree, but he was far more dimensional and interesting. This entire movie keeps your attention from beginning to end. It's realistic and pulls no punches. Keep in mind, this is a PG-13 cartoon and does give in to much of the violence we relate to big screen movies. It is refreshing for me since I've yearned for this type of cartoon for some time. This gets two thumbs up and a pledge to buy the second movie coming out soon.

It's a start...

It's not often, but occasionally the Democrats actually get their act together and do something worth while. The minimum wage in this country is disgustingly low. No single person can live on it alone. We now have them taking a stand.

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- A week after the GOP-led Senate rejected an increase to the minimum wage, Senate Democrats on Tuesday vowed to block pay raises for members of Congress until the minimum wage is increased.

The minimum wage is $5.15 an hour. Democrats want to raise it to $7.25. During the past nine years, as Democrats have tried unsuccessfully to increase the minimum wage, members of Congress have voted to give themselves pay raises -- technically "cost of living increases" -- totaling $31,600, or more than $15 an hour for a 40-hour week, 52 weeks a year, according to the Congressional Research Service.

Read More Here

What better way to send a message to the Republicans who side with big business. If those who need it the worse can't get a pay raise, those who need it the least won't get one at all.

Unjumbling thoughts

It's a first post so don't expect much.

Lt. Watada made the difficult choice to not accompany his unit to Iraq. What I have learned up to this point is that this decision came after much soul searching over a period of time. As much as I despise the war in Iraq, I can't help but not applaud nor support this. As a veteran and the wife of a veteran who served in Desert Storm, we both learned that being in the military isn't about politics.

Being part of such an organization takes a commitment that goes above and beyond most any other that we have in our daily lives. Upon joining the military, one swears to serve his country. They do so with the understanding that they may die in combat during their service. The time may come when a soldier will be sent to a foreign country to fight. Soldiers don't have the luxury of picking and choosing their fights.

If a person volunteers to put on a uniform, they do so with the understanding of what exactly it entails and what they may be called to do. When a person swears an oath, they do so knowing they are making one of the most serious commitments in their lives. Marriage can't even compare to this sacrifice.

Lt. Watada knew what he was getting himself in for when he volunteered. As an officer, he should have even been more aware of tasks that would be asked of him. He spent his career leading and helping those serving under him.

He has shirked his responsibility to those serving under him, he believes he has the right to choose his fights and he ignored his obligations and the oath he took at the beginning of his service.

We have chickenhawks in power who have sent our troops off to a war based on lies. They have never served let alone been in combat. Their activities to date have proven they don't have a care whether or not our troops have the proper equipment or leadership in the field. Their lack of empathy shows through their attacks on those who have served in combat with distinction. The cutting of benefits to those veterans who have already given much of their lives to serving this country goes to show how little time is spent considering the costs these people have suffered.

As much as I support those who have chewed the same dirt and bled the same blood as those who went to war, I cannot in good conscience give Lt. Watada the same props. His moral principles are needed more in the field than in his comfortable chair here in the states.